JSON Parser

The JSON Parser component facilitates the extraction and parsing of JSON data from various sources within your workflow. By simplifying the handling of JSON data, this component offers intuitive options for parsing data obtained from either node output or a URL. It enables you to accurately extract essential values and assign them to variables in your workflow.

Steps to use JSON Parser

  1. Add JSON Parser Component to Canvas:

    To add the JSON Parser components to the canvas, you have two options:

    1. Navigate through the components menu in the side panel, and drag the JSON Parser component onto the canvas of your workflow.

    2. Click the plus icon, which opens a window allowing you to search for various components and connectors. Search for the JSON Parser component and select it.

    Each component will be labeled with a unique identifier (e.g., json-parser_1) for easy reference if multiple JSON Parser components are used.

  2. Access JSON Parser Settings:

    Click on the JSON Parser component to open its settings.

  3. Select Payload Type:

    Choose the desired payload type:

    • Node Output: Extract JSON data directly from the output of a node within your workflow.

    • URL: Retrieve JSON data from a URL obtained from a previous node.

  4. Parsing Node Output:

    If selecting Node Output:

    • Select the source of your JSON data from the dropdown menu. The JSON Parser will automatically detect nodes in your workflow that produce JSON output.

    • Choose the variable where you want to store the extracted data.

    • Enter the path to the specific data element within the JSON structure. (For example, if your data is nested under [Details.ContactData.Attributes.record_type], enter this path.)

  5. Parsing URL:

    If selecting URL:

    • Enter the URL in the format unique_component_name.variable, where unique_component_name refers to the name of the component outputting the URL. Example: [@variables-1.TranscribedURL]

    • Choose the variable where you want to store the extracted data.

    • Enter the path to the specific data element within the JSON structure. (For example, if your data is nested under [Details.ContactData.Attributes.record_type], enter this path.)

  6. Submit:

    Click the submit button to apply your settings and to initiate the parsing process.

  7. Hover for Information:

    Hover over the JSON Parser component on the canvas to see a tooltip. This tooltip reveals the payload type, the selected data source and the parsed data assigned to each variable.

  8. Execute the JSON Pasrser Component:

    Hover your mouse over the JSON Parser Component to display the action buttons then click the play button to execute the step. The execution result can be viewed in the logs panel.


  • The JSON Parser simplifies the process of working with JSON data by allowing you to extract specific values and assign them to variables.

  • Ensure that the JSON data source is valid and accessible before parsing.

  • Test the component with sample data to verify accurate extraction of desired values.

Last updated