
A Webhook is an HTTP callback triggered by specific events on a server. It facilitates real-time communication between systems by instantly sending relevant event data to a pre-configured URL upon occurrence of specific events. This eliminates the need for continuous polling and enables the triggering of predefined flows within CX Fabric from external systems.

Steps to use Webhook Component

  1. Add Webhook Component to Canvas:

    To add the Webhook components to the canvas, you have two options:

    1. Navigate through the components menu in the side panel, and drag the Webhook component onto the canvas of your workflow.

    2. Click the plus icon, which opens a window allowing you to search for various components and connectors. Search for the Webhook component and select it.

    Each component will be labeled with a unique identifier (e.g., webhook_1) for easy reference if multiple Webhook components are used.

  2. Access Webhook Settings:

    Click on the Webhook Component to access its settings.

  3. Copy the Webhook Endpoint: The Webhook endpoint is where all callbacks are sent, allowing it to receive data from a user's chosen service. It includes essential parameters such as 'tenant_id' and 'flow_id'. You may refer to the Service-side configuration section, this is where the Webhook endpoint comes into play.

  4. Select HTTP Method: The HTTP method specifies the type of action to be performed by the webhook endpoint. Here are the common methods:

    • GET: Retrieve data from the API.

    • POST: Send data to the API.

    • PUT: Update existing data on the API.

    • PATCH: Partially update existing data on the API.

    • DELETE: Remove data from the API.

  5. Select Credential:

    • Choose a credential stored in your CXFabric tenant from the dropdown list.

Service-side configuration

To associate the webhook with your selected service, utilize the webhook endpoint.

Note that this is a general guide and steps may differ based on your specific service requirements.

  1. Log in to your chosen service.

  2. Paste the Tray.io Workflow public URL into the designated target field.

Last updated