Flow Properties

The Flow Properties section allows you to manage essential details and settings related to your workflow. From setting a flow name to scheduling its execution, this section empowers you to tailor your workflow according to your requirements.

To access and manage the properties of your flow, follow these simple steps:

  1. Access Flow Properties: Locate and click on the "Flow Properties" option in the command bar.

  2. Copy Flow ID: Here you can copy the unique identifier (Flow ID) associated with your flow for reference or integration purposes.

  3. Manage Flow Details: You can modify the following details:

    • Flow Name: This is a required field. Update or set the name of your flow.

    • Flow Description: Provide a brief description to help identify the purpose or content of your flow.

    • Integration: Specify any integration requirements or connections associated with your flow.

  4. Schedule Flow: Utilize the "Schedule Flow" button to set up recurring or one-time schedules for executing your flow.

  5. Save Changes: Ensure to save any modifications or updates made to your flow properties.

By managing the flow properties, you can effectively organize and customize your workflow to meet your business needs and objectives.

Last updated