
The Context feature allows you to access and manage the composition of your workflow in a structured manner. By using context, you can efficiently retrieve and utilize values within your workflow. The context panel provides a detailed view of the workflow’s composition, showing the steps and the variables associated with each node.

Access the Context Panel

Click on the Context button on the command bar to open the context panel.

Understanding the Context Panel

The context panel displays the composition of the workflow in a JSON format. You will see a list of steps representing the nodes in your workflow. Each step includes variables and their definitions, corresponding to the nodes on the canvas.

Viewing Variables

Inside each step, you will find variables (e.g., variable-1) indicating the data associated with the respective node.

For example, if you see variables-1, it means the node named variables-1 on the canvas has this specific definition and component data. This section contains the values and other relevant information for the variables.

Purpose of the Context Panel

The context panel provides a JSON representation of your workflow, making it accessible and easy to understand.

When working in a code node, you can interact with specific nodes by accessing the context, allowing for advanced operations and customizations.


  • The context panel is essential for understanding the structure and flow of your workflow.

  • It helps in identifying and managing variables across different nodes, enhancing workflow efficiency.

  • Regularly review the context panel to keep track of variable definitions and workflow composition.

  • Utilize the context panel for debugging and troubleshooting by checking the values and configurations of each node.

Last updated