
The Variables Component is used to store and manipulate data within your flow. You can create variables to hold values, such as text, numbers, or dates, and use them throughout your flow. These variables can be dynamically updated as the flow progresses, allowing you to pass and transform data as needed.

Adding Variables

The Variables Component allows you to add multiple variables. This means you can have various containers, each holding different pieces of information. This flexibility enables you to organize and manage your data efficiently.

Updating Variables Dynamically

Variables aren't static; they can change as your flow progresses. This dynamic feature allows you to update the values stored in your variables based on the needs of your workflow. It's like adjusting the contents of your storage boxes as your project evolves.

Using Variables Throughout Your Flow

Once you've created variables, you can use them anywhere in your flow. Think of them as tools you can carry from one task to another. This ensures consistency and allows you to pass information seamlessly between different parts of your workflow.

Passing and Transforming Data

Variables are your messengers. You can use them to pass data between different steps in your flow. Additionally, you can transform the data stored in variables – changing text, performing calculations on numbers, or manipulating dates as needed.

Steps to use Variables Component

  1. Add Variables Component to Canvas:

    To add the Variables components to the canvas, you have two options:

    1. Navigate through the components menu in the side panel, and drag the Variables component onto the canvas of your workflow.

    2. Click the plus icon, which opens a window allowing you to search for various components and connectors. Search for the Variables component and select it.

    Each component will be labeled with a unique identifier (e.g., variables_1) for easy reference if multiple Variables components are used.

  2. Access Variables Component Settings:

    Click on the Variables Component to open its settings.

  3. Creating Your First Variable

    In the Variables component, locate the "Variable 1" field. Click on it and enter a name for your variable. This could be anything that helps you identify and remember its purpose. Optionally, specify a default value for the variable if needed.

  4. Adding Multiple Variables:

    To add more variables, click on "Add New." This allows you to create and manage multiple variables within the same component.

  5. Submit:

    After setting up your variables, click "Submit" to save your configurations.

  6. Hover for Information:

    Hover over the Variables component on the canvas to see tooltips showing the variables you've added. This quick reference can help you keep track of your variables without diving back into the settings.

  7. Execute the Variables Component:

    Hover your mouse over the Variables Component to display the action buttons then click the play button to execute the step. The execution result can be viewed in the logs panel.


  • Variables serve as containers for storing data, such as strings, numbers, or objects, which can be utilized throughout your workflow.

  • Ensure that variable names are descriptive and meaningful to facilitate understanding and maintenance of the workflow.

  • Variables can be dynamically updated and manipulated based on the flow of data within the workflow.

Last updated